Search results

  1. Mark Maleski

    Thickness drum sanders

    I'm sorry Dennis that I have nothing constructive to offer - my shop is far too small to include such a machine!
  2. Mark Maleski

    Bringing tools to Working Wood Jan 2025

    I'm looking forward to it as always, John!
  3. Mark Maleski

    Sketchup discount license for SAPFM members

    Bert, I'm not aware of such a discount - then again, I don't use Sketchup so may have just skipped past such an announcement. I'm happy to look into it, but can you let me know where you saw that reference?
  4. Mark Maleski

    November 20th Zoom Meeting

    It's posted now, and the Unplugged! meeting will be posted in the next ~day. (We were a little slower to get these posted due to the Thanksgiving holiday).
  5. Mark Maleski

    Working Wood in the 18th Century

    WILLIAMSBURG, Va. (Oct. 4, 2024) – The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation will host its annual Working Wood in the 18th Century Conference Jan. 23-26, 2025. Offered both virtually and in-person, this year’s conference will explore the ingenuity and quality reflected in pre-Revolutionary furniture...
  6. Mark Maleski


    Welcome, Bob! As a woodaholic and frequent visitor to CW, you'll fit right in here.
  7. Mark Maleski

    Oct 23, 2024: "Meet the Maker" Online Meeting with Steve Brown

    Troy, I just forwarded to you from my email account...and got the following: 554 5.7.1 [VI-1] Message blocked due to spam content in the message. So it's definitely your ISP blocking our email. I'll find another way to forward it to you (I"ll just clip the salient parts to avoid any SPAM...
  8. Mark Maleski

    Oct 23, 2024: "Meet the Maker" Online Meeting with Steve Brown

    Our next 'Meet the Maker' online meeting is scheduled for next Wednesday, October 23rd, beginning at 8:00PM EDT. Our guest presenter will be woodworker and former North Bennet Street instructor, Steve Brown. Steve Brown began his woodworking career in 1981, enrolled in the Cabinet and...
  9. Mark Maleski

    Dec 7, 2024: Chesapeake Chapter Meeting (Winterthur Museum)

    The Chesapeake Chapter is pleased to announce our upcoming IN PERSON meeting at Winterthur Museum! Arrival time at Winterthur: 0830am Start time of activity: 0900am It's an all day event that will wrap up around 400pm We will get a guided tour in the conservation lab as well as get...
  10. Mark Maleski

    Chapter Meeting: Oct 26, 2024 (Ayers, MA) Featuring Peter Follansbee

    The next meeting of the New England Chapter is planned for Saturday, October 26th in Ayers, MA. This meeting will feature Peter Follansbee, Jacobean furniture maker, demonstrating crafting furniture components from rived wood employing the many techniques associated with his skills. Peter also...
  11. Mark Maleski

    Our next meeting is planned for...

    For further info on upcoming sessions, keep an eye on the "Upcoming Events" portion of the website, and the Calendar at the top of this forum. We're planning to keep these sessions running monthly through at least the end of 2024. Expect much the same in 2025, so long as participation and...
  12. Mark Maleski

    Peach State Meeting: Oct 18-19, 2024

    SAPFM Peach State 2nd Meeting Notice A Celebration of Furniture in the Deep South Friday & Saturday October 18th -19th, 2024 9am-5pm each day Woodcraft Store, 8560 Holcomb Bridge Road, Alpharetta Georgia 30022 This will be an event in which we will celebrate period Southern furniture from...
  13. Mark Maleski

    SAPFM Board of Directors Meeting

    Meeting link for our October 2024 meeting: Topic: SAPFM Board Meeting - 10/6/24 7-9pm Time: Oct 6, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting
  14. Mark Maleski

    Our next meeting is planned for...

    Our next SAPFM Unplugged which will meet at 8:00 pm on October 9, 2024. “Thomas Carlyle (1795 – 1881) a British essayist and historian once said, “Man is a tool-using animal. Without tools he is nothing, with tools he is all.” I wonder, though, how many tools does one actually need? Ron Aylor...
  15. Mark Maleski

    Dept of State Research

    Bob, I've lived in the DC area for over 30 years now and keep thinking I should arrange for a tour of the Diplomatic Rooms. Really have no excuse for not having done so before now. Of course the standard reference is the 1991 book "Treasures of State: Fine and Decorative Arts in the...
  16. Mark Maleski

    Ogee Bracket Feet and H&R's

    For spice boxes, you'll be making relatively small ogees and can use the typical H&R sizes used for furniture moulding...10s or 12s at the max. For knee hole desk, now you're making much larger coves and ovolos. When I made ogee feet of this size I used a #16 (1.25" radius) IIRC. I've since...
  17. Mark Maleski

    Our next meeting is planned for...

    Knowing how to sharpen chisels and plane irons and maintaining them for a lifetime’s worth of use is something all woodworkers should know. Of course, when asking ten woodworkers which sharpening method is the best, you get ten different answers! It all boils down to preference. What method...
  18. Mark Maleski

    Handcrafted! @ Winterthur (31 Aug 2024)

    All members are invited to join the Delaware Valley Chapter at Winterthur Museum on Saturday, August 31st, for a day of behind-the-scenes activities and furniture studies. Celebrate Labor Day Weekend at Winterthur and help SAPFM perform demonstrations of traditional handcrafts in the museum...
  19. Mark Maleski

    Our next meeting is planned for...

    Ron Aylor has planned our next meeting for 14 Aug, 2024. Peter Hudson will provide a virtual tour of the Joiner's Shop. Further details posted on the "Upcoming Events" section of
  20. Mark Maleski

    Latta Spice Box

    Hopefully Ronnie Young will see this thread and respond; he drew those plans and can better represent them. I don't have those plans and my FWW login isn't working to read the article. I can only guess at some of the differences: - The door design is different; the one on our website is much...