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  1. J

    GLC Fall Meeting

    Due to a scheduling conflict, the date of the spring meeting is changed from March 29, 2025 to March 22, 2025. Please update your calendars. I apologize for any inconvenience this change may have caused. I have received some responses to my previous post about venues for future meetings and...
  2. J

    GLC Fall Meeting

    On Saturday, November 16th, The Great Lakes Chapter held it's Fall Meeting. There were 20 attendees and except for a few technical issues everything went well. I'd like to thank Bill Silvis and Doug Moulder for their presentations and David Boeff for his show and tell contribution. Dennis...
  3. J

    Meeting Agenda for GLC Fall Chapter Meeting

    Great Lakes Chapter Meeting, November 16, 2024 Meeting Agenda Great Lakes Chapter meeting has been set for a single day, Saturday, November 16, 2024 at the Sam Beauford Woodworking Institute in Adrian, Michigan. This SAPFM meeting is open to all SAPFM dues paying members and their guests...
  4. J

    Great Lakes Chapter Fall 2024 Meeting

    Great Lakes Chapter Meeting, November 16, 2024 The next Great Lakes Chapter meeting has been set, Saturday, November 16, 2024 at the Sam Beauford Woodworking Institute in Adrian, Michigan. This SAPFM meeting is open to all SAPFM dues paying members and their guests. There will be a request of...
  5. J

    Great Lakes Chapter 2024 Spring Meeting

    The Great Lakes Chapter will hold their Spring meeting on April 13, 2024 at Sam Beauford Woodworking Institute in Adrian, MI.
  6. J

    Great Lakes Chapter Spring 2024 Meeting

    Great Lakes Chapter Meeting, April 13, 2024 Meeting Agenda Great Lakes Chapter meeting has been set for a single day, Saturday, April 13, 2024 at the Sam Beauford Woodworking Institute in Adrian, Michigan. This SAPFM meeting is open to all SAPFM dues paying members and their guests. There...
  7. J

    Great Lakes Chapter Spring 2024 Meeting

    The Great Lakes Chapter will be holding their Spring 2024 meeting on April 13th at Sam Beauford Woodworking Institute in Adrian, MI.
  8. J

    Great Lakes Chapter Fall 2023 Meeting

    The Fall Great Lakes Chapter meeting has been set for a single day, Saturday, October 28, 2023 at the Sam Beauford Woodworking Institute in Adrian, Michigan. This SAPFM meeting is open to all SAPFM dues paying members and their guests. There will be a request of $45 per person to cover Mary...
  9. J

    Great Lakes Chapter Update

    Yesterday, we held the Spring meeting of the Great Lakes Chapter of SAPFM. In my opinion, we had a successful meeting. My thanks go out to all who attended, especially Dale Ausherman, Rich Herbert, Doug Moulder, David Boeff and Andrew Messimer for their presentations. I would also like to...
  10. J

    Save the Date, Great Lakes Chapter Spring Meeting April 22, 2023

    The Great Lakes chapter will hold its Spring meeting on April 22, 2023. It will be held at the Sam Beauford Woodworking Institute in Adrian, MI. If there are any topics of interest that members would like to see a presentation about or a presenter from outside the chapter that you would like...
  11. J

    Great Lakes Spring 2023 Meeting

    The Great Lakes chapter held its Fall meeting on November 12th, 2023. We had a great meeting with a turnout of about 30 people including a number of students from Sam Beauford Woodworking Institute. At the meeting, we discussed topics for future meeting and how those present would like the...
  12. J

    Great Lakes Chapter Fall 2022 Meeting

    The Great Lakes Chapter Fall meeting has been set for a single day, Saturday, November 12, 2022 at the Sam Beauford Woodworking Institute in Adrian, Michigan. This SAPFM meeting is open to all SAPFM dues paying members and their guests. There will be a request of $15 per person to cover...
  13. J

    M-WTCA Hand Tool Meet and Auction in Kalamazoo

    This upcoming Saturday, July 18th, the Mid-West Tool Collectors Association is having their annual summer meeting and tool swap at Tillers in Kalamazoo, Mi.  This year, Fine Tool Journal will be holding an auction in the afternoon featuring approximately 400 lots of tools, toolboxes and...
  14. J

    Windsor Chair Class with Peter Galbert

    As discussed at the last Great Lakes and Ohio River Valley chapters of SAPFM, Eric Matson of the Rio Grande furniture program has arranged a Windsor chair class to be taught by Peter Galbert.  Peter is a well known chairmaker, educator and author of "The Chairmaker's Notebook" published by Lost...
  15. J

    Kalamazoo Tool Meet

    For a number of years, I have hosted a tool meet at Tillers International in Kalamazoo, Mi.  This is held in conjunction with Mid-West Tool Collector's Association.  The meet will take place on July 12.  It is basically a swap meet focused mainly on woodworking hand tools.  Usually there are...
  16. J

    Great Lakes Chapter Fall Meeting?

    I've been wondering if there are any plans in the works for a Fall Meeting of the Great Lakes Chapter?  If there is anything I can do to help out, let me know. Jim
  17. J

    Spokeshave/Travisher Making Class

    All Interested, As announced at the Fall ORV meeting, there will be a 2 day spokeshave and travisher making extravaganza at Dude's(Brian Neely) shop near Lancaster on Saturday and Sunday, November 13 and 14, 2010.  There is a $25.00 material fee.  I will need a firm commitment from all...
  18. J

    Henry Ford Museum Lecture and Tour

    Hi Guys, I received the monthly flyer from Canton Woodcraft yesterday and saw an ad for an offsite class that Woodcraft is having at the Henry Ford Museum on November 22.  Mark Gervasi, the furniture conservator at the Henry Ford will be giving a presentation about furniture conservation in the...
  19. J

    Tour of Winterthur Exhibition August 23, 2008

    WINTERTHUR EXHIBITION AT THE TOLEDO MUSEUM OF ART, AUGUST 23, 2008 Plans for the tour of the Winterthur Exhibition at the Toledo Museum of Art have been finalized.  We will meet on the lower level of the Museum in the Herrick Lobby at 10 AM.  From there we will begin the tour.  We will split...
  20. J

    Winterthur Exhibition Tour, August 23, 2008

    WINTERTHUR EXHIBITION AT THE TOLEDO MUSEUM OF ART AUGUST 23, 2008 Plans for the tour of the Winterthur Exhibition at the Toledo Museum of Art have been finalized.  We will meet on the lower level of the Museum in the Herrick Lobby at 10 AM.  From there we will begin the tour.  We will split...