American Period Furniture 2018

Bob Lang

As you may have heard, I am the new editor for American Period Furniture, and I hope to continue the high quality of content in the annual SAPFM journal. To do that, I need your help. If you have an article idea or know someone who should be a contributor, please get in touch with me, or comment in this thread. My job is to make it simple and painless for you to contribute content, whether you think you can or not. If you have a project or technique you're proud of, and can explain it to another woodworker, you can write an article. Get in touch and let's get started.

I will be in Williamsburg at the end of January if you want to talk in person, and my email address is I'm in the Cincinnati area and plan on being at the Ohio River Valley chapter meeting on April 8. (I'm teaching at MASW on the 7th, so I can't make the first day). I'd also like to come to any other chapter meetings I can get to this year.

My thanks to SAPFM for this opportunity, and to Carl Voss for his assistance with the transition.

Bob Lang