Announcing our Next Virtual Meeting (10 Sep 2020)

Mark Maleski

Hello fellow SAPFM members! We're pleased to invite you to our next virtual Chesapeake chapter meeting which will occur on Thursday, 10 September 2020 @ 8:00 pm (eastern) via Zoom.  All SAPFM members are invited, regardless of where you live.  We have planned the following topics which we will cover over a 1.5 hour meeting duration:
- George Wallace: (presentation) Building a Chippendale Mirror
- Tom DiVilio: (presentation) Roundabout chairs - their variety, origin, and some of the joinery challenges of building one and how to overcome them
- Mark Maleski: (presentation/demo) Trifid feet, building on David Boeff's July demonstration of the same topic
- 4th topic To Be Announced (TBA)

To sign up, you must send an email to with a request to participate.  Upon receipt, we will add you to the meeting attendee roster, at which point you'll receive a calendar invitation from the Chesapeake Chapter's Google Calendar (please give us at least a day to get our response back to you). That invitation will include the meeting link and password (for security purposes, please don't share with others - every participant should request this invitation directly).  If you haven't participated in a Zoom call before, you can click the link upon receipt to verify your system is compatible. We can have up to 100 participants on the call, so I don't anticipate turning anyone away.

As with our previous Zoom meetings, we will record the meeting and post video within a week or so of the event.  Videos from our previous events are already posted on, under the "Regional Chapters" tab (you must be logged in to view).

Mark Maleski and Charlie Driggs, SAPFM Chesapeake Chapter Leads