BR Chapter Meeting, Saturday, October 12th. Please RSVP!


Well-known member
All SAPFM Blue Ridge Chapter members and any others who'd like to attend,

Our next meeting is now confirmed for Saturday, Oct. 12 to be hosted byJeff Headley and Steve Hamilton at their shop in Berryville, VA.

Jeff and Steve will be lead the program and demonstrate coped sash doors for furniture and an inlaid, curved Greek key molding on a table top.  We will have more details on the program in the near future.

The day will begin as usual with coffee and donuts at 8:30 and wrap up around 4:00.  If there is interest in dinner in Winchester after the meeting we can make some plans. 

If you plan to attend please respond to me with the following information (see below).  Answer all the questions please, so I don't have to send several messages.  We are looking forward to a great turnout.  Please bring a chair, the Headly shop does not have any.

And finally, the 2021 midyear is going to be on our turf, in Fredericksburg!  Details on the dates and program are still being worked out but plan now to attend.  I expect a great representation from the chapter.

Regards,Bob Mustain
Chapter coordinator

October meeting response:
Please send your response to Bob Mustain at
Do you plan to attend  (name for badge) ___________________________________________
Do you plan to bring guest (s)  number and names______________________________________________
Are you interested in dinner after the meeting?  (tentative) Y/N  _______