Chapter Support Committee Meeting

Added to Calendar: 02-18-24, 08-25-24

Mark Maleski

Below are the Discussion and Action Items which we captured from the 13 Feb 2024 meeting..

1. Scheduling Chapter Leads Support Meeting for CY24
  • Discussion item (Ken): is there an incentive we can offer to get leads to come to the chapter leads zoom? I.e., journals for them or their chapters...banners...funding needs for presenters.
  • For funding, we need to have some criteria for making decisions. we can either compose specific criteria, or provide an application to the chapter leads to complete (and then be able to judge apples to apples).
  • Action Item: Mark will submit budget request for a $1500 wedge to fund chapter presentations. Due by 15 Feb.
  • Action Item: Mark will schedule a kick-off Chapter Leads Support Meeting. Due by 19 Feb. Target end of Feb (25th?). Sticking with Sundays at 7pm.
2. Utah Meeting Support
  • Discussion item: Ideas For Utah meeting: SAPFM Video. PPt presentation. Website Demo.
  • Action Item: Mark to email Charlie and David to coordinate mailing of journals and banner and brochures. Also offer the discussion items listed above, and then plan to support the meeting if David accepts offer. Due by 18 Feb. (also see what else David needs in terms for meeting support).
  • Action Item: Charlie to send material to David by mail. Due 29 Feb.
3. Dormant / At Risk Chapters
  • Discussion: Agreement to focus on the 2 at-risk chapters before shifting resources to reviving dormant chapters.
  • Action Item: Ken to connect with Gulf States chapter to find out their status. Scott Wetter and Jason Gatewood.
  • Action Item: Mark to connect with Bob Mustain, find way to continue the chapter.