Class with Al Breed in the Houston area


Well-known member
I just returned from giving a talk on 18th century cabinetmaking techniques at the annual meeting of the Bayou Bend docents and found some interest among the group in taking a carving or hand tools class with me. Instead of a bunch of you coming to Maine, I thought it would be easier for me to come down. I've spoken to Jeremy Grubb about the prospect of having a week-long class there, at his shop in the Houston area, and it looks like we can work something out for the Fall. There's also the possibility of me speaking at one of the Sat. meetings of the Woodworkers Club and maybe doing a one day workshop the same weekend in July, August or Sept.
If anyone has any interest in any of the above, I'd like to get some input as to what you all might want the classes to cover. To see what I do, and see the types of classes I offer at my school, go to for ideas and let me know.
I had a blast in Houston and would look forward to coming back if there was enough interest.
Thanks in advance-Al  you can e-mail me at, or leave a message on my page at the site