Handcrafted! @ Winterthur (31 Aug 2024)

Added to Calendar: 08-31-24

Mark Maleski

All members are invited to join the Delaware Valley Chapter at Winterthur Museum on Saturday, August 31st, for a day of behind-the-scenes activities and furniture studies.

Celebrate Labor Day Weekend at Winterthur and help SAPFM perform demonstrations of traditional handcrafts in the museum.

The ‘Handcrafted’ program has been hosted at Winterthur for several years, although the mix of artisans and the space used for demonstrations – even the event title – have been varied to see what attracts attendees. This particular event has been supported by SAPFM members several times, and the SAPFM attendees tend to dazzle kids and make adults curious. Many of the visitors wind up seeing things for ‘a first time ever’. This year, Winterthur is looking to expand the size and scope of activities in conjunction with what the Museum’s span of interests and the contents of their collection that can be seen by the public.

Notes for SAPFM: ’Handwork’ is the theme of the day, so as many members as are interested would be welcome to set up anything and everything they want to share with those who come to experience the activities.

To register for this event, SAPFM members should reach out to delaware-valley-chapter@sapfm.org
I reached out, twice, to see what support was needed and never received a response. Maybe my messages went to spam filters?