The future of our organization looks bright to me! SAPFM has several active threads on Facebook at the moment sharing the announcement of the award to David Lamb, the Journal feature on last year’s Cartouche winner, Tony Kubalak, and featuring the work of prior cartouche award winners Ray Journigan and Bob Stevenson. Those posts have garnered quite a few comments including two who say they have joined in response to the posts (the journal seems to have sealed the deal). I don’t much like it, but the audience seems to have shifted from forums to social media (everywhere, not just our forum). Nonetheless, your message is a good reminder to continue to nurture the forum, which remains a deep source of knowledge thanks to contributors such as you. As an incoming board member, I will bear your criticism in mind.
Back to Mr Lamb: Have you had a chance to view his portfolio on his website? What pieces impressed you the most? I confess to spending more time lingering over the 18th century reproductions there, but I was moved by how he tied those pieces to an expanded portfolio that included more recent periods of American furniture. I look forward to his presentation, however we work that out in this crazy year.
Mark Maleski