Gateway Chapter Fall 2010 meeting update


Active member
It maybe only August but it feels like I'm 7 years old and it's the day after Thanksgiving (give or take the insufferable St. Louis heat and humidity of course.) 

What I mean is, there's less than a month left until the 3rd semiannual SAPFM Gateway Regional Chapter meeting on Sept 18 here in St. Louis and I'm counting down the days with almost as much anticipation as I did when I was a kid in the final stretch before Christmas. 

Why all the excitement?  Well, for one thing I get to see a few friends that that I haven't gotten to see in a while like Cal Hobbs from KC and Boris Khechoyan from here in St. Louis.  That, right there, is a lot better than Christmas with the relatives?trust me!  But just in case your family really isn't that bad let's look at the schedule:

9:00-09:30      Meet and Greet at Kent Adkins shop
9:30-10:30      Tour of the shop by Kent Adkins (talk about kid in a candy shop!)
10:30-11:30    Show and Tell
11:30-12:30    Presentation on French Colonial Furniture by Jim Hunsley
12:30-1:30      Lunch
1:30-4:00        Presentation on Wooden Hand Planes by Don McConnell  & Larry Williams
4:00-4:30        Wrap-up and planning for the spring meeting

If all that doesn't sound like much, keep your eyes glued to your email over the next several days for some bio-info about our presenters.  If you're still not convinced that this is going to be the best day you've had in a long time, ask your spouse if she'd rather you talk to her about period furniture and tools or to the rest of us.  If your wife is anything like mine, she will be more than happy to get you out of the house if it means she doesn't have to hear you go on and on for the millionth time about the differences between the Federal and New Empire periods or whether it's better to cut pins first and then tails or tails then pins.

It's important to have an accurate head count before the big day so please RSVP ASAP and let me know if you'll be joining us.  In fact even you're one of the many who has already dropped me a line, please do so again and be sure to include the following:

Name(s) of all attendees
Current Status of SAPFM Membership
What you'll be bringing for the Show and Tell

There's also been some talk about dinner and drinks the night before, if that's something you're interested in, please let me know so we can make plans.  Stay tuned for more info including travel and parking arrangements.

Gerald Yungling