I am in the process of getting together our meeting agenda for Oct 22 and 23 at the Senior Center in Livonia. We will be having a presenter, Tony Kubalak, demonstrate on Saturday the 22. This will be a paid presentation above our normal meeting cost. Mr Kubalak will present various carving techniques which may include shells, rosettes, finials, and possibly a ball and claw foot. Depending on the number of members who RSVP, the cost should be around $50 per person.
Here is a link to Mr. Kubalak's website: http://www.tonykubalak.com
This meeting is open to all current SAPFM members. Anyone interested in attending can leave a message here or email me at greatlakessapfm@outlook.com
I will send out a more detailed agenda, as well as a finalized cost/person once I get a better idea of how many members to expect. If you could please RSVP by this Friday, Sept 23, I would appreciate it.
Thanks, Andrew
Here is a link to Mr. Kubalak's website: http://www.tonykubalak.com
This meeting is open to all current SAPFM members. Anyone interested in attending can leave a message here or email me at greatlakessapfm@outlook.com
I will send out a more detailed agenda, as well as a finalized cost/person once I get a better idea of how many members to expect. If you could please RSVP by this Friday, Sept 23, I would appreciate it.
Thanks, Andrew