To construct the fluted quarter colums on the bookcase cabinet above the slant top desk it appears the traditional Townsend Goddard method was to build an inset frame around the inside of the cabinet at the front. I assume this frame would be apx. 2 1/2" wide and glued to inside section of cabinet side members? The frame would extend out from the side 1 1/8" or so to create the 90 degree corner in which to attach the quarter colums?? Would greatly appreciate any advice on this from those who have constructed such a piece or know the proper historical method. Also any advice on locating proper period offset hinges for the front cabinet double doors which are overlay lipped same as the desk drawers. Can not find such at Ball and Ball or Horton Brasses. Perhaps regular hinges were used back in the day and the lip cut out for the barrel / pin to extend through?? Finally, does anyone have advice on where to locate working plans / drawings for a Newport style desk and bookcase (especially the upper bookcase)? Thanks so much for any information