North Texas Chapter


New member
I' a new member living in Dallas. I was wondering if anyone knows if the North Texas chapter is still active? I just did a quick search and the only information I found was a 2020 posting. Thanks for your time and help.
Hi, I'm sorry you haven't received a reply before now. I'll help you get in touch with the chapter leaders so that you can signal your interest in a meeting.
Dear Richard,
I too am sorry that you haven't been able to reach the chapter leads. There are two new chapter leads since that 2020 posting and they are Chris Bame and Cory Newman. They can be reached at In the mean time, I will make an attempt to reach them through other channels.

As a new member to SAPFM, I don't recall sending you a "Welcome Letter" which would have introduced you to the North Texas chapter (22) Leads. If you didn't receive one I will send you one. Contained in the letter is other useful information about SAPFM that you should be aware of so standby, okay?

Jeff Thompson
Membership Committee