Well-known member
Peach State SAPFM April Meeting
Two Beautiful Period Chests
Saturday, April 2, 2022 – 9:00AM until done
Arnie Moore’s Home: 395 Canterbury Lake, Alpharetta (Milton), GA 30004
Jim Milam will present the beautiful Boston block front chest he has recently completed. Jim measured and photographed the original of this piece at the Winterthur Museum in Delaware in June 2019. Much of his wood working time since that date has been occupied with drafting and reproducing this wonderful piece. If you would have not already gotten Jim’s drawing for this chest and would like one, please let Arnie Moore know when you reply to the meeting notice. The only cost for this drawing is reproduction cost of about $10.00. Ron Young will present the stunning Federal period serpentine chest he completed this year. This chest is based upon a preliminary plan Ken Johnson received from Al Breed. Arnie has contacted Al to see if he has plans available for this chest and hope to have an answer by the time of our meeting.
This will be a one day free event where you will also have an opportunity to share your latest projects in our lunch-time “show and tell’ session. Lunch, drinks and snacks will be provided. Bring your small projects and a thumb-drive with larger projects. If requested, Arnie will open his garage to display larger items if you choose to bring large projects that cannot easily be navigated down 12 feet of stairs to our meeting room. Guests are welcome – Help make this a recruiting event! Also participants may bring tools, books etc. for swap or purchase.
Since this is in Arnie Moore’s home, he is requesting all participants be vaccinated or have other immunity to COVID. You may decide what type and level of immunity you consider appropriate. Please email if you plan to attend so he can plan lunch and refreshments! Please include any guest counts in your email.
INVITATION TO PRESENT!!! If you have recently completed a piece of furniture or other project that you would like to present in a longer session than our regular show and tell, please contact me at my email above.
Lunch will be your choice of grilled all beef or veggie hamburgers with appropriate sides. Please feel free to bring your own lunch if this does not fit your dietary needs. Coffee, tea, water and diet cokes will be provided as well as donuts, breakfast pastries and cookies.
Steve Dietrich and Arnie were unable to come up with a weekend that fit both their schedules for Steve to give his presentation on German painted chests. Steve’s work schedule for 2022 is intensive so we hope to schedule him for our Spring 2023 meeting.