Report on Great Lakes Chapter Spring Meeting 2016
The weekend of April 16 and17, the Great Lakes Chapter held their spring meeting. The meeting started out with a show and tell. Bill Vetter brought in a pepper mill he turned and was seeking advice on finishes. Andrew Messimer brought in a Sack Back windsor he completed recently. Jim Crammond showed a Windsor stool he made from figured maple. The maple was destined for the fire place but Jim noticed the distinct figure when he started splitting it.
The weekend of April 16 and17, the Great Lakes Chapter held their spring meeting. The meeting started out with a show and tell. Bill Vetter brought in a pepper mill he turned and was seeking advice on finishes. Andrew Messimer brought in a Sack Back windsor he completed recently. Jim Crammond showed a Windsor stool he made from figured maple. The maple was destined for the fire place but Jim noticed the distinct figure when he started splitting it.