Well-known member
All Blue Ridge Chapter members and interested SAPFM members.
It's time to make your plans for the August chapter meeting. The meeting will be on August 19 at C.P. Johnson Lumber near Culpeper, VA. The program is below. If you plan to attend, and we hope you do, please send me an email confirming your attendance and giving the following information:
- your name as you want it on your name tag
- guests, number and names for name tags
We need this information for planning. Guests are always welcome.
Cost of the meeting is $20, including coffee and donuts and lunch.
PLEASE bring your own CHAIR. The lumber yard does not have seating.
Please consider bringing a project, tool or jig for "show and tell." Remember, these meetings are member driven.
We will have limited time for anyone who wishes to bring tools or other items to sell or swap.
Program August 19
- 9:00 - doors open, Coffee and donuts, meet and greet, tool swap
- 9:30 - brief business meeting
- 9:45 - show and tell
- 10:30 - Chris Johnson - tips on buying lumber for furniture
- 11:15 - Don Williams- sharpening your handsaws
- 12:30 - lunch provided
-1:30 - Dan Heller - marquetry and inlay techniques for all traditional furniture makers- Dan will also bring and demonstrate his chevalet.
- 3:15 - wrap-up
We hope to see you in August!
Bob Mustain
Chapter coordinator
It's time to make your plans for the August chapter meeting. The meeting will be on August 19 at C.P. Johnson Lumber near Culpeper, VA. The program is below. If you plan to attend, and we hope you do, please send me an email confirming your attendance and giving the following information:
- your name as you want it on your name tag
- guests, number and names for name tags
We need this information for planning. Guests are always welcome.
Cost of the meeting is $20, including coffee and donuts and lunch.
PLEASE bring your own CHAIR. The lumber yard does not have seating.
Please consider bringing a project, tool or jig for "show and tell." Remember, these meetings are member driven.
We will have limited time for anyone who wishes to bring tools or other items to sell or swap.
Program August 19
- 9:00 - doors open, Coffee and donuts, meet and greet, tool swap
- 9:30 - brief business meeting
- 9:45 - show and tell
- 10:30 - Chris Johnson - tips on buying lumber for furniture
- 11:15 - Don Williams- sharpening your handsaws
- 12:30 - lunch provided
-1:30 - Dan Heller - marquetry and inlay techniques for all traditional furniture makers- Dan will also bring and demonstrate his chevalet.
- 3:15 - wrap-up
We hope to see you in August!
Bob Mustain
Chapter coordinator