SAPFM supports compliance with copyright law in all respects. The following guidelines are applicable to the use and posting of images and other electronic material on the SAPFM website and Forums.

You may not post images that you didn’t create unless you have the owner’s explicit permission. All images and digital material posted including what you create and reference by links must conform to this policy.

SAPFM Forums Copyright Notice
©2024 SAPFM Forums - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

It is the policy of SAPFM to respect the copyright of third parties and to claim and defend its own copyrights to the full extent of the law.

All SAPFM-owned Trademarks, Titles, Logos, Names and Descriptions of Categories and Forums are the property of SAPFM and World-Wide Ownership Rights are hereby asserted and protected.

All Intellectual Property and Images appearing in any form or format are Ownership and Copyright Protected World-Wide.

If you wish to share information contained on the website or Forums, it is recommended to use a link to the site or respective post. No article or post, or part of any article or post, may be copied, published, stored or placed on any other website or publication without specific written permission of SAPFM. Permission can be requested by contacting the SAPFM President.

Member Postings on the SAPFM Forums:

  • Members retain copyright ownership, rights, and privileges for each post made and the content therein. You may reuse your posts in any way desired. You may not reuse the entire thread that contains other member’s posts in addition to your own.
  • By contributing to the Forums, you agree to grant SAPFM a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable license for use of and the right to publish and distribute your posts, in its entirety or in part, for educational purposes.
    • Such use includes posts or parts thereof, including photographs and drawings.
    • Publication and distribution will be limited to SAPFM publications, websites, and social media sites now known or later developed, and other media published or created by SAPFM.
  • You may not withdraw or retract your posting(s) or seek compensation from SAPFM in relation to this license now or at any time in the future.
  • SAPFM agrees that it will not sell, transfer, or license the right to copy and use postings from the Forums to third parties.
  • No one may post any photograph or other material protected by copyright, unless they are the owner, without first receiving the express written permission of the copyright owner.
    • Email correspondence is an acceptable form of permission.
    • This includes reproducing the full text or substantial part of any written material such as news stories, articles, or books.
      • It is acceptable to paraphrase other works only if the original source is cited.
      • It is also acceptable to mention or link to other websites that are of interest to users of the Forums so long as it does not violate the SAPFM guidelines or the linked website's guidelines.
      • Citations should include the referenced URL followed by the date that the website was last accessed (e.g., "<URL> accessed on January 01, 2022.”)
  • You agree to indemnify and hold SAPFM and its agents harmless against any and all claims of damages to persons or property, losses, and liabilities, including reasonable attorneys' fees caused by:
    • Any and all postings by any other contributor to the Forums, and
    • Any and all actions, including editing and deleting your posts (in whole or in part), and loss of posting privileges or posting restrictions at the discretion of the Forums administrators and moderators for actual or perceived SAPFM Forums guidelines infractions.