The Tidewater Chapter will meet on Saturday, April 5th at the Virginia Beach Woodcraft store. Guests and prospective members are welcome.
The meeting will include:
- A presentation by Ray Journigan on his "period" tea table (design, construction, carving) discussed in the latest issue of American Period Furniture. Also, check out Ray's Instagram page for construction highlights.
- A tour of the Moses-Myers house in Norfolk, an example of construction and furnishings of the Federal Period.
To register, contact
- We have time available for other presentations and show/tell. If you're interested in presenting or bringing in a show/tell item, please let me know.
- If you're interested in spending time with Ray in a carving session Friday afternoon (1 to 5pm), please let me know. Here's the plan: In early February a pattern, information and tasking (your homework) will be sent to those wishing to participate. Bring your completed (or partially completed) homework to the Friday session to go through issues, techniques, etc. This is a "pay for" event, but the plan is for it to be of reasonable cost. All skill levels welcome.
Thank you Ed Sontag (our host @ Woodcraft) for your generosity.