The Chesapeake Chapter will meet at Rockler in Fairfax, VA with special guest Ray Journigan, SAPFM's 2018 Cartouche Award winner.

Time:  Coffee and Camaraderie starts at 09:00. Meeting ends mid afternoon. 
Show and tell for all.   
Please consider bringing a current or past project to talk about. The S&T at Winterthur was spectacular; keep up the good work! 
Laptop available for slides.

Main Course:  Ray Journigan discussing his Acme/Walker Tea Table completed over the last calendar year.

Venue:  Rockler in Fairfax, VA   (Thanks to Fred Grosse)
Lunch:  On your own at various options around the plaza including fast food. 
Bring a chair!  
RSVPs are requested for coffee and space purposes.

This is our second meeting in a row at the Rockler in Fairfax.  This is because both  of our last two speakers were coming from the south and holding our meetings there was a nod to their travel time.  We will be going back to north Baltimore and York in 2025.  There is a Hilton hotel right across the street from Rockler with reasonable prices.

Please RSVP to with your intentions to attend.